Wed. 3/18/09

Well, I'm back on my feet again pretty much full time (with the occassional soreness breaks).

I continue riding indoors to help loosen things up and keep some muscle tone. My plan is to hit the open road after I return from vacation on April 6th.

We'll see then how I really feel.

But as of right now, I feel I'm about 85% of the way back.

I'll let you know how the first outdoor ride feels after it happens.

All clear...

I had my return appointment today. So, it was X-rays (this time some standing up ones) and then a visit by the residents and finally Dr. Cass.

After comparing the new x-rays to the previous ones, Dr. Cass indicated that everything is where it should be and it all looks very good.

He asked about how much weight I've been putting on it and then he tapped on the front of my shin to see if I felt any pain.

He said, I should start walking around the house (at first) without the boot and without crutches, but still wear the boot to work, until I'm feeling comfortable walking without it there as well.

He also said, I'm good to go and can ramp up my riding to as intense as I want (or can stand). Which in my case isn't too much, but it's better than sitting around all day.

So, my plan is to continue riding indoors for now and get outside once the roads clean up a bit or on the really nice days. Yeah, I've turned into a big wuss.

At least I'm back (sort of)...

Fri. 03/06/09

Feeling a bit better every day.

I have still been getting my 30 or so minutes of spinning each day and my right leg is looking a lot more normal (still got a ways to go).

I am working on the range of motion in my ankle and with my return appointment next Tuesday, I am hoping to progress to the next level.

I have been spending about 90% of my time on one crutch with the walking boot. So, we'll see how much healing I've done in the past three weeks.

I need to be crutch free and walking boot free by March 28th (vacation time)...

Keep your fingers crossed.
"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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