Go Jeffy, Go!

Well I spoke too soon, I guess. As soon as I mentioned Jeff's lack of fitness (or at least my impression of his lack of fitness) he goes and proves me wrong...

The J train has left the station. Toot Toot!

Puttin' the hurt on

Here are the posted Overall Results to prove it is not an April Fools Joke or Halloween Prank

Great job, Jeff.

Now take it easy on us weaklings...

Wed 10/14/2009

I guess I did find a couple of Marty in action...

He looks to be in much better shape than Jeff did.

Tues 10/13/09

I see Jeff and Marty are hanging tough (sorry Marty I couldn't find any pictures of you)...

Looks like fun.

Mon. 10/12/09

Wow, I see Charlie Tri did the 24-hour Nationals...

24 Hour Nationals

Way to go Charlie...

Sat. 10/10/09

Well, last week was the pits, with me catching a nasty 4 day cold right over the top of the big Silver ride. Dang!

So, finally today I felt well enough to get back out there.

But of course it was cold and windy, so I decided to hit the Douglas Trail off-trail paths.

So after a few warm-up miles, I got to ride the nice dirt path for about 7 or 8 miles, then I turned back and headed to the truck from there.

There is one really big tree down across the trail down in the "bowl" section. So my excellent CX skills (just kidding) came into play.

All in all, not a bad ride.

Thur. 10/01/09

I have only gotten out a couple of times this past week.

I did a ride on my standard 20 mile route without incident.

And Jamie and I did another 15 miles out and back up the Douglas trail.
I rode part of the off-trail route, which was fun. But then the next day my ankle was complaining a bit.

I am planning on riding the "Big Silver" ride on Sunday. If the weather holds.
"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

What's it like outside?

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Rochester, MN, United States


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