
Another very big "Hats off" to Big Dave...

Congrats, Dave.


Made it out with the group from Erik's.

We had 10 riders and with the ESE winds, we headed across town and out past Century HS. Then we headed south on cty 11 and east past the gun club to Eyota. From there we went north on cty 7 until we hit cty 9 and we followed cty 9 back to Rochester.

We saw a lot of other riders out that way, must have been the Recyclers groups.

Anyway, I ended with just over 42 miles and we averaged just over 20 mph. Which isn't half bad considering all the crosstown riding.


Tuesday Night Terror (TNT) == BRUTAL

The night belonged to the younger, faster, and better looking.

I was glad they waited up for me (several times).
But, I do plan on attending more.

It reminded me of the RCF Tuesday rides when you may have gotten some mercy, but you expected none.

I can only expect these rides will get wilder and stronger as the summer comes.

Great time, Dave, Bill, Dan, and Al.


To celebrate my 50th birthday, I let Dave and Terry drag my sorry a$$ all around SE Minnesota.

We started with 6 riders, but as the day progressed they each turned back at different points, they had other commitments and such...

The three remaining diehards made our way south until we crossed into Iowa, turned around and enjoyed a nice south breeze all the way back to Rochester.

I finished with just over 100 miles for the day.

Thanks for the fun, Dr. Tim, Al, Jeff G., and of course Dave and Terry.


I haven't seen too many road miles lately.

We just back from a week-long cruise and I really didn't feel like taking my bike to the Caribbean.

Anyway, it's been cold and rainy around here, so indoors is fine for now.

Hope to get out soon.

And BTW, we had a great time in the warm island sun, drinking Corona and margaritas.
"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

What's it like outside?

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Rochester, MN, United States


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