
Steve and I got out for a nice ride this morning.

We met by the colored condos and started out on the off-trail, but as the weather got warmer the trail got softer.

So, by the time we got just north of Douglas, we jumped onto the road and headed toward Oronoco.

From there we continued heading east, then we turned back around and doubled back to the Douglas Trail.

Then we made our way back to the cars from there.

Nice to get out...

CX gravel ride

Well, I made my way up to Lakeville on Saturday to ride with Silver and the boys.

We had eight total as we headed south and east out of Lakeville and it wasn't long before we were on some nice quiet gravel roads.

The cold NE winds were in our faces as we headed east on some sections, but it was to our backs going south.

Then we turned more east and started the northward sections. Here is were the cold wind was the worst. Fortunately, it had warm ed up a little bit during the ride.

We stopped at Farmington for some nice warm coffee and to dry out a few things...

Then we wrapped up with a nice 10 mile ride back to Lakeville.

We finished with around 40 miles of great friends and good times.


Met up with Jeff and Steve on Saturday for a nice offtrail ride to Pine Island and back. It was a bit chilly, but Jeff still managed to show up in shorts.

We hit the same route again on Sunday, but this time Dr. Tim joined in the fun. He's in great shape and kept the tempo right up there.

Sunday was even warm enought for Steve to do the ride in shorts and short-sleeves. What a macho guy.


Get out and vote!

I missed the big ta-do for Silver. Wasn't feeling too well Saturday morning. Looks like everyone had a good time (and Silver looked to be having a great time), by the pictures.

I was feeling a bit better on Sunday, so I got out for a spin with Jeff, Steve, Jim, and Dave. We made it to Douglas, then Dave turned back (as he had been out for awhile already). The rest of us continued up to Pine Island to inspect the misplaced bridge...

Then back to Rochester.
"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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