Ceci is One!

Cathy and Bill had a party for their big one-year old.  Her birthday was actually the 25th, but Saturday worked for everyone to get together.

The cake was as even better in the mouth...

Ceci was really into the presents and each one was her favorite (until the next one).

Ben wearing his t-shirt and hat that Papa and Grandma brought back from St. Maarten.

Gideon is getting bigger and bigger everyday.  Still working on getting those eyes focused.
But when he does, he's all smiles.  Big sister is busy taking care of her baby brother.

Sint Maarten N.A. 2016

Another family trip with Kathy's siblings.  This time we went to the island of Sint Maarten in the Caribbean. We rented a villa on Simpson Bay and each morning we woke to gorgeous sunrises.

It was warm, 85 to 90 each day, but the breeze made for very nice days.

We hit many beaches and took a catamaran excursion to Anguilla and Prickly Pear Islands.

 We also went to Pinel Island, great snorkeling there.

Kathy spotted the "Worlds Smallest Bar" on the internet, so of course we had to find it.
Juggie's Place, where you get two beers and a Cuban cigar for $2.99.  We went back four times :)

The "bar" is the closet behind Juggie.

We found plenty of fun places to eat, this was a Tex-Mex place in Maho.

Did I mention beautiful sunsets as well.

Kathy and I at "David's Pocket", a volcanic hole filled by the ocean.  Great snorkeling here too and yes, we snorkeled in through those openings behind us.

The villa had a great outdoor space and we spent most of the time out there.

Taking a nap in between Carib's (beer) and enjoying the sun.

Finding enough flat land for an airport on a volcanic island can be tough.  So Maho Beach is right (I mean right) at the end of the International Airport runway.

A great time...I miss it already.

"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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