"Shut up, legs!"
- The Great Jensie
"Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
Wed. 7/30/08
at posted on:
Thursday, July 31, 2008
We had 11 riders leave from Erik's last night. I don't think I have all the names but here's who I can remember (Steve G., Kristi, Marty, Al, Eric, Ben, Jim, Jeff G., Hewey, and Dewey). We followed Marty's pre-mapped route for every turn. After a bit of a wait for Jeff's front tire, we headed north on the trail until we got to cty 3, then we stayed on that until PI. No one was foul-hardy enough to sprint through the stop sign for the PI sign (good thing). We headed NW out of PI for Roscoe. Steve was threating to go for the sign, but in the end he didn't come around (Marty talked him out of it). So, Kristi took the sign uncontested. From there we turned south on some new blacktop, up the nice little climb and then turned south on cty 11. After another nice climb we all enjoyed the downhill section, until we had to slow for the stop sign at the bottom. Continueing south on cty 11 we got into a nice pace with a dual rotating paceline. everyone took turns out front (nice). We made our way into Mantorville, with Steve winning the sprint (nice "rocking the baby" salute). We stopped in Mantorville for some water, then headed south and east past the golf course. With the rollers, the group had plenty of opportunity to stretch their legs. We came back together and continued south and then turned on old 14 for Byron. Jim took the Byron sign uncontested (I wanted to go, but my legs said "NO"). At Byron, Jim and I headed south for Salem Corners while the rest of the group stayed on Marty's route and headed north for Oxbow. Jim peeled off near Bamber Valley School and I continued east past the fairgrounds and then for home. It was about 9:15pm when I rolled in, so plenty dark. I finished with 70 miles and a nice average of 19.5 mph. Great ride everyone.
Tues. 7/29/08
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Did the 20 mile out and back just to stretch the legs. Warm, humid temps with a pretty good WSW wind. I breezed to the turn around and passed Mr. G and company as they were heading back into town (I waved and they waved back). I turned around and heading into the wind and for home. I felt very good and made sure to drink alot with the high temps.
No flats and no sign of Steve... :(
No flats and no sign of Steve... :(
Sat. 7/26/08
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Sunday, July 27, 2008
One for the Story Books...
Once upon a time there lived a brave knight who would load all of his bike gear into his vehicle and depart (at 4:00am) for an epic ride. But this year the knight decided to switch it up a bit...
Our story begins with a series of phone calls to help coordinate the next day's adventures. Our hero would depart from his castle and meet up with two other brave souls in Douglas at 8:30am. After they met in Douglas, the three amigos headed north for Pine Island. But shortly after they got started our hero had a flat tire and they had to stop and do some repair. Once fixed, they continued their adventure. At Pine Island they continued NW to Roscoe and at hwy 57, they met up with the Knights of the Round Wheels (the Silver Cycling boys). At this point our band of merry men, headed back into Pine Island for some refreshment at the local Kwik Trip.
Once their thirsts were qwenched, they headed east out of town for Mazeppa. Then they turned the steeds onto cty 7 and up the big hill to Chef's home. Chef was not there, but our group stopped and chatted with Chef's queen for a short time. Then they all mounted back up and headed for Zumbro Falls. The group turned east on hwy 60 until they came to cty 2, where they headed north for Lake City. At this point our hero was starting to wonder how long Big Jim and Jeff the Brave would continue on this adventure. They had only planned on a 4-5 hour tour. But they continued with the group all the way to Lake City.
Once there, our fellowship stopped at another local convenience store for nourishment. Again the brave two continued on with the group as they made their way to Wabasha. Just before Wabasha our hero encountered his second flat tire (bummer). After the repair was made the group continued into Wabasha for a hearty feast. Our Rochester Band of Brothers, then decided to call it a day. We bid fairwell to our compatriots and headed off alone.
Up and over the Mountain of Doom (or the climb out of Wabasha) they went, each taking turns at the front as there was a fairly steady wicked wind from the west. As the adventure started to wear on our hero, Big Jim moved to the front and pulled with all his might to help get our hero back to the safety of his castle. Our group stopped in Zumbro Falls for one last round of gatorade, then they made their final surge on to the village of Rochester.
Once in the village Big Jim and Jeff the Brave peeled off to their castles. As they did, they prepared for the onslaught of questions that would be hurled by their respective queens (i.e. where have you been, why were you gone so long, what did you buy me).
Our hero continued off alone, to make his way back through the Black Forest and onto the safety of his own castle (and a shower, something to eat, and a Schells Beer).
For their bravery and performance above and beyond the call of duty, both Big Jim and Jeff the Brave were knighted into the Holy Order of the Round Wheels.
Congratulations to both of you and I hope your queens weren't too mad...
Here's the adventure of our brave travelers:
Maybe next year, our hero can plan this thing out better and have a new rear tire???
Once upon a time there lived a brave knight who would load all of his bike gear into his vehicle and depart (at 4:00am) for an epic ride. But this year the knight decided to switch it up a bit...
Our story begins with a series of phone calls to help coordinate the next day's adventures. Our hero would depart from his castle and meet up with two other brave souls in Douglas at 8:30am. After they met in Douglas, the three amigos headed north for Pine Island. But shortly after they got started our hero had a flat tire and they had to stop and do some repair. Once fixed, they continued their adventure. At Pine Island they continued NW to Roscoe and at hwy 57, they met up with the Knights of the Round Wheels (the Silver Cycling boys). At this point our band of merry men, headed back into Pine Island for some refreshment at the local Kwik Trip.
Once their thirsts were qwenched, they headed east out of town for Mazeppa. Then they turned the steeds onto cty 7 and up the big hill to Chef's home. Chef was not there, but our group stopped and chatted with Chef's queen for a short time. Then they all mounted back up and headed for Zumbro Falls. The group turned east on hwy 60 until they came to cty 2, where they headed north for Lake City. At this point our hero was starting to wonder how long Big Jim and Jeff the Brave would continue on this adventure. They had only planned on a 4-5 hour tour. But they continued with the group all the way to Lake City.
Once there, our fellowship stopped at another local convenience store for nourishment. Again the brave two continued on with the group as they made their way to Wabasha. Just before Wabasha our hero encountered his second flat tire (bummer). After the repair was made the group continued into Wabasha for a hearty feast. Our Rochester Band of Brothers, then decided to call it a day. We bid fairwell to our compatriots and headed off alone.
Up and over the Mountain of Doom (or the climb out of Wabasha) they went, each taking turns at the front as there was a fairly steady wicked wind from the west. As the adventure started to wear on our hero, Big Jim moved to the front and pulled with all his might to help get our hero back to the safety of his castle. Our group stopped in Zumbro Falls for one last round of gatorade, then they made their final surge on to the village of Rochester.
Once in the village Big Jim and Jeff the Brave peeled off to their castles. As they did, they prepared for the onslaught of questions that would be hurled by their respective queens (i.e. where have you been, why were you gone so long, what did you buy me).
Our hero continued off alone, to make his way back through the Black Forest and onto the safety of his own castle (and a shower, something to eat, and a Schells Beer).
For their bravery and performance above and beyond the call of duty, both Big Jim and Jeff the Brave were knighted into the Holy Order of the Round Wheels.
Congratulations to both of you and I hope your queens weren't too mad...
Here's the adventure of our brave travelers:
Maybe next year, our hero can plan this thing out better and have a new rear tire???
Wed. 7/23/08
at posted on:
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
There was 16 riders to start the Erik's Wednesday ride and we picked up Jeff S. on the way out of town. Great ride everyone(Steve, Kristi, Todd, Tom, Al, Jeff G., Big Jim, Jim T., Jim H., Pat, Jeff S., Ben, Mike, Eric, Gunnar, and Hewey). Yes, I forgot a name (I think he had a blue jersey and I never got in a rotation with him to find out his name). The pace out of town was on the brisk side and it didn't take long before we had changed from the original (Big Jim's) route. We wound our way to Oronoco, where Tom grabbed the sign. Then on the way out of Oronoco, Big Jim had chain trouble. The group waited at the top of the hill and we headed east toward hwy 63. Then south for just a bit, then we turned east again and back north on cty 11 (back on the original route). Gunnar took the sign, but forgot to turn north and had to chase back on. The pace was nice and steady until the downhill, where everyone got into the aero position and picked up some major speed. Now it was Todd's turn for some mechanical work. Meanwhile the rest of the group got some much needed water at the convience store in Millville. We rolled out toward Hammond on cty 11, along the river. What a nice stretch of road. Todd decided he wanted to be KOM today and took an early jump for the Hammond sign. I think he had just enough to hold off Gunnar for the win. From there the group moved along to hwy 63 again. At this point we were starting to lose the daylight, so the group split up a bit as some of the riders needed to get home for their beauty sleep. Since I don't need any more beauty, I hung back with the beautiful people (you know who you are) and enjoyed the ride back into town. At 37th street I headed east and for home, while the rest headed back to the shop.
Here is a map of the route:
BTW, I picked up a new saddle from Steve and it was very comfy. He switched me from my 131mm to a 143mm (I think he meant to say, my butt is getting bigger).
Oh Yeah, no sign of the ever illusive Steve S. :(
Here is a map of the route:
BTW, I picked up a new saddle from Steve and it was very comfy. He switched me from my 131mm to a 143mm (I think he meant to say, my butt is getting bigger).
Oh Yeah, no sign of the ever illusive Steve S. :(
Tues. 7/22/08
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Bill and I did the 20 mile out and back. Light winds from the NE meant we had a slight headwind going out and a nice push coming back in. Near the turnaround point, we pass Gary G. and a couple of others heading the other way. By the time we turned around they had a bit over a half a mile on us. We kept them in sight most of the way back. Bill had done a longer run earlier in the day and with my 200 mile day coming up on Saturday, we were really just out to stretch our legs. So racing was not in the cards. Sorry, Gary.
Bill mentioned that he felt really good, so maybe the base miles are finally starting to pay off...
Bill mentioned that he felt really good, so maybe the base miles are finally starting to pay off...
Sat. 7/19/08
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Saturday, July 19, 2008
We had 11 riders for the Saturday ride (Racing Bruce, Dr. Tim, Tim B., Big Al, Jeff S., Trevor, Mark, Jim T., Jeff G., and Mr. Steve). We decided to head east (the direction, not the band). So out of town on cty 9 to Whitewater Park. The pace was nice a civil with everyone taking turns at the front. Just a slight headwind on the way out. Dr. Tim and Jeff G. had to get back early, so they turned back just before we turned north into Whitewater. I had heard that the road leading into Whitewater had been redone. I heard wrong... It looks like they may still fix up the road, but not yet. After some whiteknuckle riding into Whitewater, Trevor and I led out for the town sprint sign, when here comes Jeff blowing past us. Trevor and Mark jumped on his wheel, with Bruce chasing hard. I think Trevor edged out Mark for the sign. We stopped for some water at the little store and decided to continue north out of the valley. This stretch still has some gravel sections and on one of them Bruce decided to get a closer look. Just a few scrapes on his knee and some bruises on his ego. After a nice paced climb out of the valley, we headed for Plainview. No sign to sprint for (bummer, I was all set to go). We stopped again for water (by now it was starting to heat up and everyone needed to stay hydrated. We went south out of Plainview, past the golf course, then we turned west on cty 23 (or 24) to Elgin. At Elgin, Jeff surprised us all by getting the town sign (right around the corner). We continued south out of Elgin and headed for cty 11. Again, everyone took turns at the front and the pace was nice and steady. We turned south on cty 11 and headed for Rochester. Viola Road is closed at Century High School, so we continued south on cty 11. After the long climb, there was still some spunk in some legs so the group split a bit as the spunky ones beat up on each other all the way to cty 9. Trevor and I continued south, while the rest turned west on cty 9 and headed into town.
Great ride guys. I finished with almost 70 miles and I had to wash all my gear because it was all soaked in sweat)...
Oh Yeah, *** Offical Steve Sighting ***
Great ride guys. I finished with almost 70 miles and I had to wash all my gear because it was all soaked in sweat)...
Oh Yeah, *** Offical Steve Sighting ***

Wed. 7/16/08
at posted on:
Thursday, July 17, 2008
*** Offical Steve Sighting ***
There were 15 riders for the Wednesday Erik's ride. With the SSW winds we headed south, then west past Westfire. Then we turned south again on cty 104. We stayed on cty 104, until we turned east on 40th St. As we got near cty 8, we noticed the Recyclers regrouping at the corner. Some of them had continued south on cty 8 and we eventually caught that group. They hung with us until we turned east on 10th St NW into Stewartville. Al and I were up front for the sprint, so we turned up the pace to make sure everyone worked hard (I think Tom took the sign ahead of Steve). Some people stopped at the Kwik Trip, while others headed for the Casey's. After some water and snacks, we regrouped and headed west out of town on cty 6. Everyone took turns on the front and as we re-warmed up, the pace picked up to the mid 20s. We then re-caught the Recyclers group, but this time they didn't hang on to our wheels. We eventually turned north on cty 3 and headed for Rock Dell. Again the pace picked up with the tailwind and the eventual town sprint sign (I don't recall who took that sign, maybe Todd???). From there the pace stayed high, up the rollers and into Salem Corners. I turned east on Salem Road for home, while the group continued north on cty 3. I assume they hit Country Club Rd or cty 4 back to the shop. I finished with 65 miles, averaging 19.5 mph.
I was plenty tired when I got home.
Great ride (Marty, Jeff S., Big Jim, Tom, Todd, New Jim, Kristi, Al, Paul, Jeff G., Pat, Hewey, Dewey, (two guys I didn't catch their names), and of course the ever illusive Steve).
There were 15 riders for the Wednesday Erik's ride. With the SSW winds we headed south, then west past Westfire. Then we turned south again on cty 104. We stayed on cty 104, until we turned east on 40th St. As we got near cty 8, we noticed the Recyclers regrouping at the corner. Some of them had continued south on cty 8 and we eventually caught that group. They hung with us until we turned east on 10th St NW into Stewartville. Al and I were up front for the sprint, so we turned up the pace to make sure everyone worked hard (I think Tom took the sign ahead of Steve). Some people stopped at the Kwik Trip, while others headed for the Casey's. After some water and snacks, we regrouped and headed west out of town on cty 6. Everyone took turns on the front and as we re-warmed up, the pace picked up to the mid 20s. We then re-caught the Recyclers group, but this time they didn't hang on to our wheels. We eventually turned north on cty 3 and headed for Rock Dell. Again the pace picked up with the tailwind and the eventual town sprint sign (I don't recall who took that sign, maybe Todd???). From there the pace stayed high, up the rollers and into Salem Corners. I turned east on Salem Road for home, while the group continued north on cty 3. I assume they hit Country Club Rd or cty 4 back to the shop. I finished with 65 miles, averaging 19.5 mph.
I was plenty tired when I got home.
Great ride (Marty, Jeff S., Big Jim, Tom, Todd, New Jim, Kristi, Al, Paul, Jeff G., Pat, Hewey, Dewey, (two guys I didn't catch their names), and of course the ever illusive Steve).
Mon. 7/14/08
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Bill and I did my standard 20 mile route. With light winds from the SSW, we really didn't notice much advantage or disadvantage either direction. Temps were nice in the low 70s. We passed one other rider as we headed back to home.
Sat. 7/12/08
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Saturday, July 12, 2008
*** Offical Steve Sighting! ***

Yes, it's offical, Steve has returned. He and 8 other riders were there for the Saturday ride from Dunn Brothers South.
We headed for Salem Corners (Jeff won the sign, I think), then south to Rock Dell (??? for the town sign). From there we headed west to cty 9 and then north towards Dodge Center. The group worked nicely into the headcross all the way to cty 14. When we got to old 14, we turned west again and then north. We stayed on this road for only a short time, then we turned east and headed for Mantorville. Terry had to get back so he headed for Rochester as we rolled into Mantorville (BTW, Steve took the town sign, thx Tim). The rest of us stopped at the convience store for water and snacks. Then it was off to the north again, east on 16 for just a short time, then north on cty 11. We turned east again on cty 22. Finally a tailwind. South on cty 5, then east on cty 14 and down Genoa hill (were the pace picked up until after the town sign). I think Trevor held off a hard charging Dr/ Tim for the win. We turned south at Douglas (I was too far back to see who won) and Jeff and I cruised back to Rochester on cty 4, while the others headed south on 104.
I finished with almost 72 miles averaging 19 mph. Great ride guys (Terry, Al, Tim, Dr. Tim, Jeff, Jim T., Trevor, and Steve).
BTW, Steve did pretty good for the new guy...

Yes, it's offical, Steve has returned. He and 8 other riders were there for the Saturday ride from Dunn Brothers South.
We headed for Salem Corners (Jeff won the sign, I think), then south to Rock Dell (??? for the town sign). From there we headed west to cty 9 and then north towards Dodge Center. The group worked nicely into the headcross all the way to cty 14. When we got to old 14, we turned west again and then north. We stayed on this road for only a short time, then we turned east and headed for Mantorville. Terry had to get back so he headed for Rochester as we rolled into Mantorville (BTW, Steve took the town sign, thx Tim). The rest of us stopped at the convience store for water and snacks. Then it was off to the north again, east on 16 for just a short time, then north on cty 11. We turned east again on cty 22. Finally a tailwind. South on cty 5, then east on cty 14 and down Genoa hill (were the pace picked up until after the town sign). I think Trevor held off a hard charging Dr/ Tim for the win. We turned south at Douglas (I was too far back to see who won) and Jeff and I cruised back to Rochester on cty 4, while the others headed south on 104.
I finished with almost 72 miles averaging 19 mph. Great ride guys (Terry, Al, Tim, Dr. Tim, Jeff, Jim T., Trevor, and Steve).
BTW, Steve did pretty good for the new guy...
Wed. 7/09/08
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008
There were 16 riders to start the Wednesday night ride. Marty had another douzy of a route pre-mapped and we only ended up altering it a little bit. We headed north on the trail. Before Douglas, we notice this cloud of dust up ahead on one of the gravel roads. The group had to slow down in case it was a car or a Mack truck, but instead it turned out to be Jeff S. giving his brand new frame a taste of the CX life. We (all 17 of us) rolled through Douglas and headed for cty 3. Here we met up with Big Jim. So the gang was all together and the fun could begin. We headed east to Oronoco, past Tillies (Todd's local watering hole). And then across hwy 52, and then north on cty 11. Here the wind and the hills started to seperate the group a bit. But we all stopped and got water in Mazeppa. We headed east out of Mazeppa and then east/southeast on cty 7. With the tailwind the pace picked up to the 25 mph range and everyone was taking turns at the front. Then we hit Chef-tel hill. I hung out behind Jeff S. (no, not because of the scenary), cause he was setting a nice tempo up the first part of the climb. Several guys had launched an early surge on the hill, but I knew there was plenty of climbing to come. Jeff and I moved up nicely through the group when we caught Big Jim. He was pinned in behind a couple of guys who were fading. Next we came up to Marty, I figured now was the time for my patented KOM move. I mentioned to Marty the Big Jim wanted to ask him something and then I told Jeff that his new frame was dirty. Both tactics gave me the seconds I needed, I was off for the top. By the time Big Jim got unstuck, and Jeff and Marty had realized my deception, it was too late. I was able to barely hold them off for the grand prize. From there the rest of the ride was a blur. I was still replaying the spectacular climb over and over in my head. Anyway, we waited for everyone at the hwy 63 corner, then we headed south for town. Kristi was going to make a move for the county sign, but was too much a lady and let those meanies at the front have it (she could have taken it easily). Then it was Todd's turn to make everyone suffer a bit, he got out front and rode like a man posessed. I don't know who got the town sign (I was too far back), but I know Marty was up there. I turned east on East Circle Drive and headed for home, while the rest of the group headed west for the shop. Great ride everyone (Marty, Steve, Jeff S., Big Jim, Todd, Al, Paul, Pat, Kristi, Tim, Jim, New Jim, Jeff G., Hewey, Dewey, Lewey, and Chris).
OK, I forgot a few names (did I mention that I replayed the dramatic climb over and over in my head on the ride home)...
OK, I forgot a few names (did I mention that I replayed the dramatic climb over and over in my head on the ride home)...
Mon. 7/07/08
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Did the 20 mile out and back. Had a 20+ mph tailwind on the out portion and a 20+ mph head wind on the back protion (I think the wind picked up a bit on me). Passed one other rider out there, otherwise just a pleasant ride.
Wed. 7/2/08
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Thursday, July 03, 2008
There were 8 riders for the Erik's Wednesday ride. Marty had the route pre-mapped (even though we did change the beginning and end abit). After some delay, we headed north on the trail.
At Douglas, we came up on a group for 6 or so cyclists (maybe the Recyclers???). Instead of heading east at Douglas, we continued north on the trail (and out of the wind) to cty 3. There we turned east and continued to Oronoco on cty 12. Once across hwy 52, we got back on Marty's mapped route and headed north into and out of Oronoco. This stretch was hilly and into the wind, but a great route.
Just before Mazeppa, I noticed my front tire was losing air. Dang! So we stopped while I did my mechanic thing. Marty finally got to see what a "real" bike feels like in his hands. After I wrestled my bike back from Marty, we were off to PI. Again, a beautiful stretch of road. Steve actually went around Kristi to take the PI sign. Man, talk about dirty looks(from Marty I mean).
We headed south out of PI on cty 3 and back to Douglas. As expected the pace picked up for the Douglas sign. Marty and I were out front pulling, when Steve came by. I noticed no one on his wheel, so I jumped to catch him. I did notice a shadow, so I knew someone had come with me. I caught Steve, but instead of sitting back, I kept going around Steve(bad move). Steve jumped on my wheel and used my draft to come around and get me right at the sign. So, the overall sprinter of the night award has to go to Steve.
Marty had the route going south to cty 4, but the group decided they had enough fun and we hit the trail for home. I stayed on the trail to Valleyhigh and headed to 7th street. Right near the RAC corner, I noticed 3 riders up ahead. I thought maybe it was the RC&F group, but they went past the shop and turned south at the intersection. So I guess it was some Recyclers (or just a group out for a ride).
They must have been worried about me catching them, as they all kept looking over their shoulders. No worries guys, I was in no mood to race.
Anyway, I got home with just over 63 miles. Time for a shower and something to eat (no Schells tonight, maybe over the weekend...).
Great ride Marty, Steve, Kristi, Ben, Pat, Jeff G., and Peter.
P.S. I vote this to be the unofficial default route for the Wednesday rides.
Did I mention it was a great route???
At Douglas, we came up on a group for 6 or so cyclists (maybe the Recyclers???). Instead of heading east at Douglas, we continued north on the trail (and out of the wind) to cty 3. There we turned east and continued to Oronoco on cty 12. Once across hwy 52, we got back on Marty's mapped route and headed north into and out of Oronoco. This stretch was hilly and into the wind, but a great route.
Just before Mazeppa, I noticed my front tire was losing air. Dang! So we stopped while I did my mechanic thing. Marty finally got to see what a "real" bike feels like in his hands. After I wrestled my bike back from Marty, we were off to PI. Again, a beautiful stretch of road. Steve actually went around Kristi to take the PI sign. Man, talk about dirty looks(from Marty I mean).
We headed south out of PI on cty 3 and back to Douglas. As expected the pace picked up for the Douglas sign. Marty and I were out front pulling, when Steve came by. I noticed no one on his wheel, so I jumped to catch him. I did notice a shadow, so I knew someone had come with me. I caught Steve, but instead of sitting back, I kept going around Steve(bad move). Steve jumped on my wheel and used my draft to come around and get me right at the sign. So, the overall sprinter of the night award has to go to Steve.
Marty had the route going south to cty 4, but the group decided they had enough fun and we hit the trail for home. I stayed on the trail to Valleyhigh and headed to 7th street. Right near the RAC corner, I noticed 3 riders up ahead. I thought maybe it was the RC&F group, but they went past the shop and turned south at the intersection. So I guess it was some Recyclers (or just a group out for a ride).
They must have been worried about me catching them, as they all kept looking over their shoulders. No worries guys, I was in no mood to race.
Anyway, I got home with just over 63 miles. Time for a shower and something to eat (no Schells tonight, maybe over the weekend...).
Great ride Marty, Steve, Kristi, Ben, Pat, Jeff G., and Peter.
P.S. I vote this to be the unofficial default route for the Wednesday rides.
Did I mention it was a great route???
Mon. 6/30/08
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008
I had just enough time to get in my typical 20 mile out and back. Light winds, so no real advantage either direction. At the turn around point, I decided to crank it up a bit. And I felt pretty good by the time I got home.
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Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."
R.I.P. George Carlin
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