Sat. 09/27/08

We had 9 start from Dunn Brothers South on a cloudy, foggy morning. The winds were out of the NW, but the Treadman Duathalon was being held in the Douglas area, so we decided to stay away from the NW. We headed east out of town on cty 9. With the slight tailwind it was a wicked pace until we turned north on cty 7 and the headwinds slowed the pace. But now the wind was making it real fun at the front. We formed a rotating paceline and that helped give everyone a chance at the fun. We turned east again on cty 2 and then north on cty 10.

Up and over the rollers as we went past Carley State Park, then we turned west on cty 23 and headed for Elgin. Dave dominated the Elgin sign and the Olmsted County sign. So we all had to listen to him talk about it all the way back to town. As we neared cty 11 there were two ponies lose on the road and we stopped as they carefully went by us and headed back to their pen. Dave wanted to stop and ride them, we said NO! Bebee justed wanted to take them home (I'm not sure what for???). Again, we said NO! About this time we passed another group of cyclists who were heading east for Elgin. We then turned south on cty 11 andmade our way back to cty 9, where I headed for home and the others headed for town.

Great ride everyone (Big Dave, Dr. Tim, Big Jim, Bruce, Big Al, Dan, Bebee, and Tobias) and way to make my legs hurt...

No sign of Big Steve:

or Big Jeff:

but Big Jim was there:

I gotta find a picture of Big Dave...

Wed 09/24/08

Big Jeff and I did the CX thing last night.

There was a lot of cyclists on the regular part of the trail. Must be the late-season peakers trying to cap off that mileage report with some bigger numbers. Anyway, the dirt trail was nice and quiet, except for the couple of walkers/joggers that were in the wrong place...

The CX trail wasn't too muddy either (even near Douglas). Only one real wet spot and you could easily go around it on the higher trail shoulder.

Big Jim did a nice job painting the bigger rocks (although, red is not my favorite color). But, there were several newly felled trees that need to be sawed out of the way. Jim you have a chainsaw, right? You can just pack the saw on your back and ride out there (about midway between PI and Douglas) and get those couple of biggies...Jeff would give you a big hug if you do.

Anyway, what a beautiful night for a ride. Even if it does get dark by 7:30pm.

Sat. 09/20/08

Didn't make it up in time for the group ride, so I took my time and got ready and then headed for Chatfield. The winds were SW and felt like they were getting stronger as the day warmed up. The westward stretch out of Chatfield was the roughest, but then I got a nice push all the way back home.

Nothing out of the ordinary, just a nice 50 mile ride (just me and my friends)...

Wed. 09/17/08

Met Big Jim and (eventually) Big Jeff at the condos for some off-road stuff. The trail was in very good condition with the occasional tree branch or rock to dodge. And you mix in a few gopher (or badger) holes to make it interesting. We saw quite a few people on the blacktop trail portion and we came upon a couple of people riding horses on the dirt section. We made it to just about PI, when we were fast losing the sunlight, so we headed back on the blacktop. Jim turned for home as we passed his intersection, while Jeff and I continued back to the condos. It was plenty dark by the time we got back.

Tues. 09/16/08

Just got in a quick 20 miler again. Met two others as they were riding back into town. Again, a gorgous September evening with light SSW winds.

Mon. 09/15/08

Did the quick 20 mile from my house. Nothing really out of the ordinary, allthough I did see Gary G. heading back to town on my way out. Slight SSW winds, so a bit of a headwind on the trip back in. A beautiful September evening...

Wed. 9/10/08

We started with 8 riders from Erik's at exactly 5:45pm. We headed north on the trail to Douglas. Along the way Kristi turned back (not feeling well, I guess). We turned west out of Douglas and up the Genoa hill. The group stayed together as we turned south on cty 5, but not before Paul had to turn back (he got paged, bummer). We then turned west again on cty 16 (I think) and headed for Mantorville. Steve and Craig battled it out for the town sign (I think Craig got it). After we reformed the group we continued south out of town and then east past the golf course. Now it was the winds turn to beat up on us. We all took turns at the front (what fun) and we rolled into Byron together. It was Steve's turn to take the town sign this time. At Byron Jim headed for home, while the rest of us continued north and then east, then north again to cty 4 and finally east (into the wind) for Rochester. We were losing light, so I and Dan switched on the tail lights as we got back into the traffic on cty 4. Craig peeled off as we neared town, while the rest continued for the trail and then back to Erik's.

I finished with almost 37 miles. Great ride everyone (Steve, Kristi, Paul, Craig, Jim, Dan, and Justin(the new guy)).

Next week, CX with Marty!!!

Jesse James Ride

For anyone who is interested in one more long ride to test your fitness, there will be a group of riders from Rochester going to the Jesse James ride this weekend. The plan is to meet up in Northfield and depart from the school (at the flagpole) at 8:00am sharp.

They are planning on doing the 100 mile loop, but I think you can split off at several points.

Here is more information.
"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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