Wed 09/24/08

Big Jeff and I did the CX thing last night.

There was a lot of cyclists on the regular part of the trail. Must be the late-season peakers trying to cap off that mileage report with some bigger numbers. Anyway, the dirt trail was nice and quiet, except for the couple of walkers/joggers that were in the wrong place...

The CX trail wasn't too muddy either (even near Douglas). Only one real wet spot and you could easily go around it on the higher trail shoulder.

Big Jim did a nice job painting the bigger rocks (although, red is not my favorite color). But, there were several newly felled trees that need to be sawed out of the way. Jim you have a chainsaw, right? You can just pack the saw on your back and ride out there (about midway between PI and Douglas) and get those couple of biggies...Jeff would give you a big hug if you do.

Anyway, what a beautiful night for a ride. Even if it does get dark by 7:30pm.

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Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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