Arkasans 2010

Here are a few pics from Arkansas...

Sunrise from the cabin

Morning mist coming up the valley

climb out of Low Gap

climb out of Mt. Judea

Looking out across the Mt. Judea valley

Two great days of riding, 170+ miles on the bike, unknown vertical feet of climbing (a lot), and 4 great days with friends and away from work...

Thur. 3/18/10

Well the weather is supposed to turn back to normal for Minnesota in March, with cold, rain, and possibly snow this weekend.

But for me, I've gotten several indoor spins in here lately.

And today, I got back outside in the almost 60 degree weather for a nice 20 mile ride.

Just spinning nice and easy, don't want to overdue before Arkansas...

Sun. 3/14/10

Didn't make it out with the group this weekend, but I got a couple of nice indoor spins at the DAHLC and then since Sunday afternoon was so gorgeous, I took the good bike out for a nice spin on my 20 mile route.

On my way out, a minivan pulled up next to me with the window down (part way, there was a big white dog in the passenger seat) and the driver was saying something to me, but with the wind and the noise of the engine I really couldn't hear.

I smiled and waved and he drove off without giving me the bird or anything, so I guess he wasn't upset that I was on "his" road.

Maybe he was impressed with my early spring fitness...or my nice bike...or he might have thought it was a bit early for shorts.

Either way, it was a great day to be outside.

Sat. 3/6/10

Well Chris fired the first shot. So I met up with the group (7 others) for a nice base mile ride on Saturday.

We headed south into the wind and kept the pace nice a light.

I finished with almost 40 miles (including my ride in and home).

Nice temps, good pace, and great conversation.

What could be better...


Well, I finally got the courage to get the bike back out on the road.

Kathy was planning on running up to my daughter's at Kenyon, so I hitched a ride to 75th street NW and road my CX bike to Kenyon.

Unfortunately, I under-estimated the NW winds and was really having to work harder than I thought.

I did spot Big Jim as he headed toward Pine Island. I tried to wave him down, but he must have been in a hurry (or he was ignoring me).

Anyway, I made the 35 miles to Kenyon without freezing anything.

I am definately feeling the after-effects.
"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

What's it like outside?

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Rochester, MN, United States


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