Sat. 4/9

Chef and I made it up to Lakeville for the big Silver Coffee Ride.

It was supposed to be nice and warm, but it was a tad cool so I kept a couple of layers on with hopes of being able to peel some off as we went.

It was a large group (as you can tell by Bob's pictures):

Everybody on the ride

And there were quite a few Silver as well:

Silver Cycling 2011

We had a nice group ride to Prior Lake, stopped for coffee, and then back to Lakeville.

Things split up on the way back as one guy from Northfield got a flat and some of the group waited and others decided to keep rolling. Chef and I were in the "waited" group.

We rolled back into Lakeville with about 35 miles and lots of fun memories.

Thanks Silver (Steve K), for getting this organized!

BTW, the sun never really came out, so I'm really glad I put the extra layer on...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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