Sat. & Sun. 6/11 & 6/12

I missing the group ride on Saturday morning, so I headed out on my own.

I got to Dover and checked out the progress on north cty 10. Still closed.

So, I headed for Chatfield. Once there I headed west to cty 1, then I decided to extend the route by heading to Racine. On the way I bought a glass of lemonade from a couple of young entrepreneurs standing out at the end of their driveway.

The NNW wind made the west and north stretches a lot of fun.

I continued west and north to High Forest and then on to the airport road, where I headed east and north to home.

On Sunday, I was going for an easy "recovery" ride, but as usual the wind made the ride challenging.

I did the same route as Saturday, minus the Racine addition.

So I ended with 51 miles and not a much "recovery".

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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