Sat. 12/17 and Sun. 12/18

After a quick bout with a flu (or something), I was feeling much better and decided to take my chances outdoors.

For Saturday, I decided to take on the Douglas trail.
Big mistake, with a light dusting of snow, you could not tell were the ice was and after several close calls, I turned around and made my way back to the car. I did manage to get just north of Douglas before I turned around, so about 10+ miles or so.

For Sunday, I braved the moderate to strong SW winds and did my 20 mile out-and-back route. Nothing major to report, except that my legs have forgotten how to go fast.

I will need to get some more miles in over the January and early February timeframe, so I don't look too pathetic in Arizona.

Sun. 12/11

I made my way out on Sunday morning for a nice 20 mile ride.

The strong SSW winds made the going tough in spots, but the nice sun and mild temps (~30) were very nice.

There were a few shaded spots were I was glad I had the studded tires on, but overall nothing really exciting.

Just nice to be on a "real" bike...

It's cold outside, campers...

Haven't done too much lately.

Mostly riding indoors at the DAHLC.
Still hoping to get out on the weekends for some road riding.
I did ride the Douglas Trail to Pine Island and back the other night.
Cold, windy, and dark.

Meanwhile, I switched my CX bike over to 10 speed Shimano. "Used" stuff for the CX bike. My plan is to put the 9 speed Ultegra stuff back on the white USPS Trek. Then I can hang it on the wall as "all original".

Who knows, I might take it down once in awhile just for the fun of it.

I thought I had the 10 speed stuff all setup correctly, until Bill took a look and made several changes to my handy work.

It did shift much better after he was done...
"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

What's it like outside?

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Rochester, MN, United States


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