Go BIG or go home.

Dawn to Dusk 16 is tomorrow and I am really excitied about spending the day with great friends and great riders.

Sounds like we have a big group, around 17 or so.  The record is 19, so we're close.
You never know if anyone will be a last-minute dropout or addition.  We'll see tomorrow at 6:00am.

Dennis has gratiously offered to be our SAG driver, so we are both heading out of town around 4:00am to get to Lakeville with plenty of time to get things packed in the Suburban.

The weather sounds great, mid 80s for temp and winds from the ESE around 8 mph.

I think I'm physically ready (even though I don't have a record number of miles on).

For those who don't know D to D, it is a one day, 200 mile bicycle ride.
We start in Lakeville, then hit the following towns: Northfield, Pine Island, Mazeppa, Lake City, Wabasha, Nelson, Stockton, Maiden Rock, Bay City, Red Wing, Cannon Falls, Farmington, and back to Lakeville.

Having a SAG vehicle will be a big help with this many guys. 
Thanks Dennis, for hanging out with us all day.

I hope I can get some sleep tonight...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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