Texas 2015

The much anticipated Texas trip has come and gone for 2015.

Another great adventure in the memory books.

We had great weather with temps in the mid 70s to 80s everyday.
Sunny skies everyday with a couple of windy days, but nothing we didn't ride in.
I ended with 400 miles and over 22,000 feet of climbing.

Needless to say, sunscreen was a must for us snowbirds.  By the end of the week, we all had some nice "biker tans" with some people sporting some nice "burns"...

We had 8 riders, Steve, Ted, Rob, Pete, Pat, Dan, Jerry, and myself.  Lynette was there also, though she rode by herself or with Jerry mostly.  Unfortunately, a regular rider was missing this year, as Shad had a bike accident just before we headed out and with his injuries was unable to make the trip. Everyone missed having him around, he is always a pleasure to spend time with on these events.

The house worked out nicely with 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a nice fire pit and deck, and a game room.

The food was excellent as always and I think everyone had plenty to eat (and drink)...

The roads were quiet again this year, to the point where you stop listening for cars from behind and then get surprised when one does happen to approach.

Typical roads on a typical day.

The roads look like gravel, but it has small, dime-sized, 
stones pressed into the blacktop.  It rides very smooth.

One of the many "rolling" climbs.

Rob giving the boys Yoga instructions.

Dan and Lynette's camper on Day 1.

We made a stop at Becker Vineyards again this year.
And Yes, we bought some wine.

A typical look for me after a long day of riding.
Or is that Kenny Chesney?

Always fun, great memories, and fantastic bike riding.  
I think they are already talking about Texas 2016.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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