It's been awhile...

Ben showing off his "cruisin" shirt.

Ceci is more fun everyday.

Everleigh and Mommy having fun in the sun.
Doesn't that little "pudgy" nose make you smile?

Kathy and I are finishing up some remodeling of our living room, dining room, and kitchen.  A bit more work on the floor and base boards and we are all done.  Looks good (to me).

HWood did a terrific job on the front wheel.  Runs true and I think it is even a bit stiffer than the original build.  I am very pleased with his work (I wish I had that talent).

Not a ton of biking (with the remodel work getting in the way), but I do manage to get out for some short rides every once in awhile.  Need to start getting in some longer days if I plan on doing D2D this year.

Marie is expecting little Gideon sometime around the end of August, first part of September.  They are experiencing some complications with him.  His little belly is large and they are not sure what is causing it.  And with Marie's latest checkup they are concerned about that and the fact that Marie also has a bit more amniotic fluid than normal at this point.  The plan is to watch both of them very carefully for the next few weeks and then maybe consider having Gideon delivered by C-section.

I have put my trust in the Lord on this one... 

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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