Into every life a little rain must fall...

Life sure has a way of bringing us incredible highs and devastating lows.

First my daughter and son-in-law informed us they were expecting, then we found out it was twins, then twin girls.  Everyone was so excited.

Then Amelia Katherine started showing signs of stress, so Marie and Justin went to the cities for a procedure to help Amelia.  Unfortunately, Amelia passed away just a few days after the procedure.

Meanwhile Nora Diana was doing fine and they expected her levels to balance themselves.

Then Marie came in for a routine Ultrasound, only the technicians were unable to find a little heartbeat in Nora as well.

Sadly, they had both passed on.

To add to the pain, Marie had to go in and have the pregnancy induced last night.

They now are in the planning stages with a funeral home.  Not sure of what their plans are.

Anyway, they (Marie and Justin) have encountered a number out-of-pocket expenses due to several procedures being outside their covered area.  So, they have setup a GoFundMe page to help them through the medical expenses and funeral costs.

Amelia and Nora's Go Fund Me page

Only God knows why...

but he has two more precious little angels with him.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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