Sun. 3/2/08

We had 6 riders this morning (Tim B, Jeff, Dave, Peter, Jim P, and myself). With the south winds we headed east to Salem Corners, then continued east for several more miles, then headed south (into the wind). Dave had to get back for some family stuff, so he headed back at the first blacktop road which took him back toward Salem Corners. The rest of us headed south until we got to Cty 26, then we headed east into Rock Dell. We turned south (except for Jim who headed north, he had riden in from home so he had more miles than the rest of us slugs). We got to Hwy 30 and continued south until we hit Cty 6, then we went east into High Forest. And finally a tail wind, as we headed north on Cty 8 back to Rochester. But not before Tim B turned the screws up and made us all pay for those insulting jokes about him...

Here is our route:

Great ride guys. Now time to go clean my bike (again).

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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