Sat. 11/22/08

Big Jeff, Big Jim, Chris, and myself hit the CX path next to the Douglas trail on Saturday morning. Just a bit of snow, but ice. Jim came prepared with the dual-suspension mountain bike. Several sections were way worse than any washboard stuff. If I wouldn't have been clipped in, I'm sure I would have flown off the bike a couple of times.

The pace was nice a steady with Jim and Jeff doing most of the pace setting. At PI we turned back and headed for home. With the south winds the open sections were a bit cool. We all made it back, but not before Chris pulled out of his cleats. All that bouncing around must have loosen things up and all of sudden his egg-beater cleat wasn't attached to the bottom of his shoe. Luckily, he came prepared with a multi-tool and got the cleat out and re-attached, so he could ride home.

Can't wait for the white stuff to pad the trail a bit more...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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