Sat. 11/29/08

Big Jim, Bruce, Jim T., and myself headed out from Dunn Brothers South on avery nice Saturday. Big Jim had sent out the note indicating a CX ride on the gravel roads SW of town, so we headed towards Salem Corners. We turned south on 104, when all of sudden Big Jeff showed up. He had a flat on his way to the starting point and decided to chase us down after he fixed it up. So we all continued south on gravel crossing over hwy 30 and then after a few more miles we turned west. Then we crossed over cty 3 and another mile or so, we turned north. Back across hwy 30, we continued north, then we made a jog west, then north again, and finally back east. Eventually we turned north again where we headed down into a nice little valley and up out the other side. Then we hit the blacktop where we turned east and headed back to Salem Corners and then on into Rochester.

Man, I was shot by the time I got home. I sure hope I'm not getting out of shape (as if I every was in shape).

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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