Sat. 09/19/09

Terry had a big day planned and I decided to give at least the first part a go.

On my way to Dunn Brothers, I heard a "funny" sound and a few seconds later I realized it was my back tire making the noise...flat.

I started my quick change routine, and all I could think about was if I had left enough time to get to the starting point.

I changed the tire and got back to riding (now racing) to Dunn Brothers. I rolled in with plenty of time, as Big Dave was not there yet.

So, the seven of us (Terry, Big Dave, Jim T., Chris, Big Al, Dr. Tim, and myself) headed for Spring Valley. We rolled out of town nicely and into a very, very slight breeze we made our way to Spring Valley. Everyone had some fun at the front.

Terry made a bee-line for the donut shoppe and after several donuts the group was ready to head out. By this time, I was not too keen on doing the entire route. So I decided to turn back to town with some of the others. It turns out only Big Dave and Terry went on to Lansboro.

We made our way back to Rochester on cty 1 and I was really glad I decided to not do the bigger route. My legs were plenty tired by the time I reached my house.

What a nice day to be out riding...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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