Sat. 8/21/10

A group of 10 from Dunn Brothers South decided to head NW today.

We made our way to Byron, one rider turned back as we neared Byron, then the remaining 9 headed west past the golf course and on to Mantorville.

After a quick water stop, we continued west toward West Concord. The winds started to pick up a bit as we rolled along. After West Concord, we turned north for Kenyon. By now the skies looked a little darker.

Kenyon was getting ready for their Rosefest, so we made another quick water stop and headed east out of town back toward Pine Island.

Now with a tailwind Big Jim and the several others decided to up the pace a bit and it wasn't long before we were rolling into Pine Island.

After our third water stop we headed for Douglas and at Douglas the group split a bit as Bruce wanted more miles and the rest hit the Douglas Trail for Rochester.

I parted ways at 7th Street and cut across town and headed east to home.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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