Tues. 8/23

I made my way to Eyota and then east to Dover.

But with the quickly fading evening daylight, I turned around and followed my route back home.

It was a nice ride, though.

I won't be able to make it to D-to-D this year, but I wish them all a safe ride and I'm already planning for next year.

Sat. 8/20

Epic ride with the Dunn Brothers South group.

We had nine guys that decided to follow Terry all the way to the Mississippi (or close to it) and back.

Along the way we had some great climbs, terrific weather, light winds, plenty of detoured routes due to road construction, and we even tired out Tim B.

I finished with just under 100 miles, but I didn't start out at Dunn Brothers South (I met the group at RCTC), so I'm sure the others had their 100+ miles. And Jim P. must have had closer to 125 or 130.

Great time...

What's Jeff been up to.

I'm not 100% sure that is Jeff...

Wed. 8/17

I managed to get in my 51 mile route to Chatfield tonight, but it won't be too much longer as sunset is already around 8:15pm.

Just when I start to feel like I'm ready to ride... :(

Tues. 8/16

I got out in the wind tonight for a quick 30 miles.

I did head into the wind for the first half and got a nice fun ride back home.

Then we went out for supper...

Getting some miles in.

Been trying to get a few more miles in lately.

I need them in order to survive the D to D.

Saturday was a bust, as there were too many "other" things waiting for my attention.
I woke up too late to get with the group going to Lake City, but I did get in 67 miles on Sunday.

Weekend rides

On Saturday, I made the drive up to Northfield and met the Silver boys at the annual Tour de Nick. We did the 50 mile route with the gang from Northfield. I'm guessing there was 20 or so in our group at various times. I felt pretty good all day long.

Tour de Nick

Then on Sunday, I did the Chatfield route of 51 miles in the later morning. It was getting warm out, just as I returned home.


Same route as yesterday, except SE winds made the journey out more work and the stretch for home more fun.

Wed. 8/3/11

I brought in the bike today and headed out from work.

I made my way south on cty 8 to High Forest, then continued south and east to Racine.

I stayed east and now north a bit back to cty 1 and then north on cty 1 through Simpson.

And finally east and north on cty 11 to home.

Light NW winds on the way out disappeared by the time I turned north, so no real headwind to speak of.

A nice, pleasant 48 miles...

Weekend miles...

Well I met the boys for an early Saturday ride.

To my surprise, Steve and Jeff both showed and along with Dave, Terry, Bruce, Jim P, Tim B, and Dr. Tim it was like old times...

We headed to Spring Valley and under Terry's watchful eye the group stayed "civilized" (that was the word of the day).

Once in Spring Valley, the group of 19 split as some had to get back to town.

The remaining 12 of us (after Jim P convinced Jeff to tough it out) continued to Leroy and then down across the Iowa border and then back to Leroy for water.

Now the fun part as we turned back to Rochester with a slight tailwind, we cruised along at a nice brisk 23-27 mph pace.

I hung on until we got the the airport road and that is where I turned and headed east for home.

The temps were starting to get to me as I neared the house, but I had plenty of water and made sure I took a drink quite often.

A great "civilized" Saturday ride and think everyone had a terrific time.
"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

What's it like outside?

Where You At???

Where You At???

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Rochester, MN, United States


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