Sat. 7/28

102 miles of up and downs (figuratively and literally).

Terry and JP mapped out a nice ride to the SE through Preston, Lansboro, and Eyota.

Lot's of hills and the temps started to ramp up as we were heading home.

We had a big group with 14 starting out and then a few turned off, as they needed to get back earlier.

The ride to Preston was fast and we even got a very nice paceline going.

We stopped in Preston for some water and food, then we headed to Lansboro.
After a quick stop in Lansboro we headed north and west.

This was a really long stretch without a stop, but we had a nice big group to share the load.
And we stayed all together to Eyota.

After a much needed water stop in Eyota, I felt much better for the last 10 miles back to Rochester.
The group split up as most headed back via the Gun Club Road, while Jeff, Steve, and I headed back on Cty 9.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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