Sat. 9/15/2012

We had a good group at the start of the Saturday ride.

The SW winds were starting to pick up, so we headed south out of town on cty 1.

The group decided to turn west and south to Racine.  Tim B. had to get back to town, so he turned and headed back on cty 1 (I think).

We grabbed some water at the park in Racine, then continued west.

The group turned at cty 8 and headed north, while I decided to add some more miles into the wind.

I continued west and south until I got near Dexter.  There I finally got to turn north and with a nice tailwind, I was sailing along nicely.

I continued north on cty 10, until it turned east toward High Forest.  I stayed east all the way to Stewartville.

I grabbed some water and a chocolate milk at the Casey's store, then it was east and north all the way home.

I finished with 75 miles and I felt really good all day.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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