Unexpected Hundo

Silver called out for an "unexpected hundo".

Starting from Cannon Falls, we headed east through some quiet rolling country roads to Red Wing.
Then after a quick stop, we continued east and south to Lake City.  Again the roads were quiet and fun.

After another quick stop, we headed up hwy 61 to Old Frontenac and we made a side trip to the top of the bluffs at the state park.  From there it was back to quiet roads to Red Wing.

Once we got back into Red Wing, we made another detour up to Memorial Park and then back down to a Kwik Trip for some food and water.

Once more onto the quiet back roads to Cannon Falls and then a nice rest at the Mill St Tavern for a cold beer.

Then it was time to head home.

101 hilly miles on a beautiful day with great friends. 

Thanks, Steve, Ted, Dave, and Kevin.  Let's do it again real soon!

1 comment:

silvercycling said...

DonHo, nice blog...haven't checked it out for such a long time...glad you could do the "unexpected hundo" and you still climb like a goat...PS get a new pic with your SC kit on for your front page...

"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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