Sat. 2/23/08

We had four this morning for a nice brisk (5 degree) start at Dunn Brothers. With no real wind to speak of, we headed on the standard West CX route toward Rock Dell. Things were going along nicely, until we came upon a black lab around the 8 mile mark, who decided to come with us. He ran along side and ahead of us all the way to Rock Dell (about 5 miles). We were pretty sure he would never make it home from there, so we backtracked to the farm where we picked him up. We tried for several minutes to discourage him from following us, but he persisted. Tim and Eric went to the house to talk with the family, but nobody was home. One of the sheds was unlocked, so we put him in there and left. Then we continued west and then north on some very scenic gravel road. Then back east to Salem Corners, where we jogged north for one mile then countinued east and back to Rochester. After that we sat at Dunn Brothers and had a nice hot cup of coffee. Almost 33 miles, nice ride Tim B., Jim T., and Eric.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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