Sat. 2/9/08

Six of us (Jeff S., Jim P., Chris F., Mark C., Charlie T., and myself) took off from Dunn Brothers South at 9:00am. Light snow and light SW winds, we headed west toward Salem Corners, then south on 104 which turned west and finally onto some gravel. Here we picked up a friendly (but large) lab. He must have really wanted to play because he stayed with us for several miles, until we came to a farm with another dog and the two of them stayed with us for 1/2 mile or so and then they must have got bored and turned around. We continued south and then west into Rock Dell. We continued west and then turned north on some very quiet gravel roads. We headed east back toward Salem Corners and then headed north across Hwy 14 for several more miles, then east on gravel roads. Here we met up with Mark O. and Ray L., who had headed out at 8:00am and were on their way back to Rochester as well. We headed south on 104, while Mark and Ray continued east. We turned east on Salem Road and back into town. The snow, winds, and colder temps were started to make riding fun. So, I think we timed our return about right. Back at Dunn Brothers for a nice hot cup of java...

Here is our route (as far as I can remember):

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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