Thur. 2/7/08

Jim and I headed out from the condos at 6:00pm. We headed north and west until we hit Cty 5, then turned east and south until we got to Cty 3. Then east until 60th St, from there south back to the condos. Just a couple of slick spots, but nothing major. I did have my studded tire on the front, while Jim was riding his wider 29ers. Right around 2 1/2 hours and about 27 miles. Good thing Jim was along, my light battery started to run low as we turned south on 60th. Saturday should be cold, so bundle up...

Here's our route:

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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