I'm back...

I'm back in the saddle again.

Yep, that's right. I was given the Okie Dokie to start putting some weight back on my right leg. A little at a time and with the aid of my crutches. I also don't need to keep the aircast boot on while I sleep (yippie).

But (more importantly) I did get the green light to start some indoor spinning. So, Bill got me all setup in the basement and I actually rode for about 45 minutes today.

My right calf didn't like it too much and my ankle was real stiff, but I think that's to be expected. The part where I sit also complained a little... At least I can say I'm riding (somewhat) again.

The x-rays showed some pretty good healing, but there is still a ways to go before it's 100%. I have another return appointment on March 10 and I plan on having quite a few miles in by then...

So, now I expect to be a little sore in some other areas for a few days and then it's go time.

Work will be half-days still until the swelling (and tingling) is under control.

All in all a great day!!!


Anonymous said...

Don Ho,that's great news!
You are definitely on the fast track to recovery.

Don said...



4 straight days of spinning and my ankle is starting to limber up. I plan on slowly ramping it up over the next several weeks.

Hope the big night at HWoods went well.

Lactic Acid said...

Good news Don.

Why don't you join me for a spin at the dahlc.


Don said...

I have to get into "DAHLC shape" before I show up there...

But that would be a nice change of pace.

"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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