Fri. 4/17/09

Got out after work and went a bit further than I have over the past week.

I did the 30 mile out and back from my house. With light winds, I barly noticed the headwind on the way out.

Everything was pretty normal, until I got near the house west of the turkey farm. Two years ago I had encountered three big black dogs there and actually ended up calling the cops on them for coming out into the road and chasing me for almost a mile. But I didn't see them last year, so I thought maybe they were locked up or gone.

Well, this time there was the pack leader, a rotweiler mix (I think). I didn't see the other two (black labs), but at this point I wasn't looking for them either. Well, "Eddie" spotted me and came running to the road. And me currently being in such fine physical condition, it was a wonder I couldn't outrun him.

Anyway, as he got close he ran up alongside, growling and barking. He made a couple of moves into the road, but luckily stayed away from my wheels. I had just about had enough, so I pulled the pepper spray from my pocket and let him have a taste. He quickly backed off and went into the ditch to roll in the grass for a bit.

I continued to my turnaround point, all the while thinking what was going to be in store for me as I passed the farm house a second time.

As I neared the house, I could see all three dogs in the middle of the yard. The two black labs were barking, looking at me, and then looking back at Eddie. I think they were waiting for him to make the first move. But, Eddie was busy pretending he didn't notice me, by looking in the opposite direction.

I had to laugh as I calmly made my way past the farm and continued on home.

The rest of the ride was uneventful, except I was really tired by the time I got home. Just got to get used to some longer mile rides...

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Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
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