Wed. 6/16/10

There was a good turn out for this evening's ride (I guess all the days of rain makes everyone ready to ride). I think we started with 11 riders.

We headed east on 40th and then north on 18th until we got to 75th, where we turned east again.

Followed that east until south a bit on cty 11 and then east (and north) to Elgin. There was a slight pause in the action as someone experienced a rear flat tire.

After the repair, we continued north to Millville, where we stopped for water.

Then a nice steady tempo along the river, through Hammond and up to hwy 63.

I started to feel my calves cramping up, so I slowed my pace a bit to recover. The group eased up a bit, so after a few miles I was feeling better and was able to latch onto the back of the group.

From there, we followed hwy 63 back to 75th, then west to 18th, south to 40th and east back to Erik's.

Great ride everyone and thanks for waiting up for me...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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