Saturday, 9/29

I made the drive up to the Fall Silver Coffee ride.

They started from Life Wellness Center (one of the team sponsers) and they had a new Subaru there from another one of our sponsers.  Then we took a couple of group photos and we were off.

We had about 30 or so and the plan was to wind our way south out of town.

We followed hwy 35 for awhile, the roads were very quiet and it was a nice relaxed pace as everyone was busy chatting and switching places to chat with someone new.  I had the opportunity to chat with several new folks, as well as some old friends.

At one point, we were on the Black Dog Time Trial course. 

When we turned north and started heading for Farmington, Pat noticed that Bob was way off the back.  So, Steve, Dan, Pat, and myself turned around and back-tracked until we found Bob.  He had gotten a flat and didn't let anyone know that he had to stop.

Anyway, the five of us pedaled on to the Dunn Brothers Coffee Shop in Farmington, were Silver Cycling had put on a terrific spread of fresh-roasted coffee, apple and cherry fritters, some other assorted cakes, and bananas.

After a nice break, a group of riders headed back because they wanted to get back earlier.  I waited for the last group to head out for the last 10 miles back to Lakeville.

As always, a great time with great friends.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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