Sat. 05/10/08

*** Offical Steve Sighting ***

Yes, we did see Steve today, but not on a bike. He was driving his car to the supermarket or some such place.

Anyway, we started the ride with 7 guys (Terry, Tim, Jim, Jeff, Al, Dr. Tim, and myself). We headed to Simpson on cty 1, then we turned east toward Marion. We looped through town a bit to stay off hwy 52 and then we headed south on cty 19. Almost got taken out by some guy who wasn't watching where he was going and crossed over the centerline. We headed west on hwy 30 to Stewartville, where a city-wide garage sale was going on (maybe that is where Steve was heading?). Anyway, no one volunteered to pull the sweet lawn mower I found there home for me. We stopped at Casey's for some water and then continued west to High Forest. We passed a number of bikers heading east on cty 6. Martin was with them and yelled something smart as we went by. Jeff yelled something equally smart right back. No time for a "war with words", we headed to High Forest and then north on cty 8. With a tailwind, the pace picked up all the way to town with everyone getting in on the fun. Then everyone turned and headed for home.

Here's the route:

Great ride guys.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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