Sat. 6/28/08

The skies were bright blue, but on the western horizon there was some much darker clouds heading this way. So I headed for Dunn Brothers, just in case there was anyone waiting to ride (there was no chatter on the email). As I rode by, I didn't see anyone standing there. So I kept heading west out past Bamber Valley school and out on cty 8. As I cleared the hill, I could see the rain coming in. I hoped that I could get to the airport turn before it hit, but I didn't make it. So, I rode almost all the way to Simpson in light rain. Then the roads dried up a bit as I turned north on cty 1 and headed home. Not as many miles as I would have liked for a Saturday, but at least I didn't get too soaked.

The rest of the day was spent cleaning the basement...and cleaning my bike.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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