Wed. 6/04/08

We had 14 people start out from Erik's on Wednesday. Let's see if I can remember the names (Jeff S., Big Jim, Beebe, Tom, Marty, Steve, Todd, Jeff G., Al, Kristi, Paul, Sam, Steve R., and myself). Marty laid the law down before we headed out and everyone on the group agreed to keep it civil and have a good, safe time. We decided to do the P-R-P (Pine Island, Roscoe, Pine Island) route backwards. We rolled out to Douglas on the trail, then continued on the trail until we hit cty 3. We turned west and headed for PI.

Just before PI, we encountered some recently released juvenile deliquents, one of them decided he was done with his happy meal and threw what was left (including his chocolate milk) at us.

The helmet-cam caught a picture of the passenger:

He must have wanted the Pretty, Pretty Princess Pony, instead of the Hot Wheels race car for his prize.

Anyway, the group kept a nice pace going all the way into PI, then we turned left on the "river road". The pace picked up to a nice steady tempo as we rolled west. When we got to cty 11, we turned north up the big hill, ouch. We rolled into Roscoe and turned east. This stretch of road is very nice and I think everyone in the group enjoyed the nice pace. About this time we got into a pattern of everyone taking short, hard pulls at the front and we really moved along, until the PI town sign neared, where the game was on. I think Steve took the sign, just ahead of a hard-charging Marty. We rolled into PI, then south through town and back to cty 3. We stayed on cty 3 all the way to Douglas. Jeff was polite and waved at Jim's yard ornament, as we went by. I think it waved back. As we crested the hill just north of Douglas, everyone released the horses and the game was on again. Lots of shifting and jockeying for postition. Ultimately, it was Marty squeaking by to claim the big prize.

The helmet-cam caught a picture of Tom at the finish line:

We regrouped again and headed for the trail. Big Jim decided he needed more work and headed for the Genoa hill, I turned east and headed for home, while the rest of the crew headed back to Erik's (I think via the trail).

My legs were pretty shot by the time I got home, the helmet-cam caught my reaction to the ride:

I hope that isn't a rash developing...

Nice ride everyone.

BTW, Steve S. was mildly upset he missed the fun:

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