Sun. 6/01/08

We had 7 guys take off from Dunn Brothers South. With light WNW winds (but expected to increase) we headed for Salem Corners. The sprint for the town sign was close.

Then we continued to Byron, where again the sprint was close.
This was a slight downhill finish.

We headed to Mantorville, where again the big dogs faught it out.

After a quick water stop we headed north for PI. Along the way, we passed Big Jim heading south. He gave us a wave (I think it was a wave) and tore down the road.
At PI, the sprint was on again, this time a slight uphill finish.

After some more water and food, we headed back to Byron. Along the way we passed Jason out for his ride. I think he waved also. At Byron, the battle was on again.

Then onto Salem Corners, good thing there is no sign there. Then we continued on into Rochester, where Big D broke off for more miles. Then I headed for home.

Here is the route:

Great ride guys (Jim T., New Shorts Bruce, Al, Jeff G., Tim B., and Dave).

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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