Wed. 7/30/08

We had 11 riders leave from Erik's last night. I don't think I have all the names but here's who I can remember (Steve G., Kristi, Marty, Al, Eric, Ben, Jim, Jeff G., Hewey, and Dewey). We followed Marty's pre-mapped route for every turn. After a bit of a wait for Jeff's front tire, we headed north on the trail until we got to cty 3, then we stayed on that until PI. No one was foul-hardy enough to sprint through the stop sign for the PI sign (good thing). We headed NW out of PI for Roscoe. Steve was threating to go for the sign, but in the end he didn't come around (Marty talked him out of it). So, Kristi took the sign uncontested. From there we turned south on some new blacktop, up the nice little climb and then turned south on cty 11. After another nice climb we all enjoyed the downhill section, until we had to slow for the stop sign at the bottom. Continueing south on cty 11 we got into a nice pace with a dual rotating paceline. everyone took turns out front (nice). We made our way into Mantorville, with Steve winning the sprint (nice "rocking the baby" salute). We stopped in Mantorville for some water, then headed south and east past the golf course. With the rollers, the group had plenty of opportunity to stretch their legs. We came back together and continued south and then turned on old 14 for Byron. Jim took the Byron sign uncontested (I wanted to go, but my legs said "NO"). At Byron, Jim and I headed south for Salem Corners while the rest of the group stayed on Marty's route and headed north for Oxbow. Jim peeled off near Bamber Valley School and I continued east past the fairgrounds and then for home. It was about 9:15pm when I rolled in, so plenty dark. I finished with 70 miles and a nice average of 19.5 mph. Great ride everyone.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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