Wed. 8/20/08

We started with 13 riders from Erik's Bike Shop. Marty had us head north on the trail to Douglas, where we picked up Jeff S. With the fairly brisk south winds, we then turned south on cty 3 and headed back toward town. Once we got to cty 4, we headed west until we got to where cty 3 headed south again. We followed that all the way to Salem Corners. Along the way, we got the a very nice paceline going. At Rock Dell the paceline broke up a bit, but the group stayed together on the climb heading south out of Rock Dell. Just about the time I grabbed a granola bar, we turned east on hwy 30. With the south cross winds, I soon found myself hung out, off the back of the group. I tried several times to catch back on, but was not making up the lost ground. Luckily, the group waited at the cty 15 turn. From there we all headed north. Shortyly after that, a group of 6 decided to turn it up a bit, while the rest of us kept a nice pace going back toward town. The group came back together for a short time on Salem Road, but then broke up again. Most everyone turned north on cty 104 and headed for the shop, while Jim, Tim, and I continued on Salem Road for town. First Tim turned for home, then Jim peeled off, and finally I headed off for home. I got home right around 8:15pm, and there was still plenty of daylight.

Great ride everyone.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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