Sat. 01/03/2009

Well, I'm home resting and keeping the foot elevated to help reduce the swelling.
They put another temporary cast on it and scheduled my surgery for Thursday.

If I keep my foot up and don't move it much, the pain is pretty manageable.
But if I have to move it around, the pain about sends me through the roof.

At least I have the pain meds...and my EPO.

We finally got to have our family Christmas (our original one was planned for last Sunday afternoon).

I got some real nice heavy bib tights (not sure if I am going to get to use them this season or not).

But, I did get an Xbox 360, so now I have something to help with the healing...


jp said...

What's an X-box? Is it like a WII? Or is it a gamer thing? Tony Hawk, or Snipers? I guess it will keep you entertained for the next 6 weeks. Are you spinning with the left leg yet? Jeff's worried that you'll turn into some insanely strong guy. The trail is still very icy, scary icy. Take care, Jim

Don said...

Well, Jeff should be worried. You've seen him ride...

"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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Rochester, MN, United States


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