Mon. 1/26/09

Well, time passes slowly...

The constant nagging pains have pretty much gone. I only get pain when I move it around or when my leg starts jumping around.

I can finally sleep on my side (for a change), but I need to reposition several times at night. So, still not sleeping all night long.

Can't wait for my return appointment on Feb 18th and the possibility of my walking cast.

Here are some pics from my Jan 21st appointment (notice the cool new hardware components, Shimano I think):

"We can rebuild him, we can make him stronger and faster."

Also, I hear that my good friend Ted did a number on his leg while snowboarding and is currently in a very similar situation.

Get better, Ted.

It's been a bad couple of months for bike riders, I guess.


RochBike said...

Those new parts look like some of Todd's inventory.

Anonymous said...

DonHo, have you been off work this whole time...and until Feb. 18??
Glad to hear that you are experiencing less pain. My bet is that 2 SilverCyclists won't be down for long. PS got your membership today. All the best.

Anonymous said...

I hope those aren't fastenal screws, because they will rust.

Don said...


Yep, no weight on it until after the 18th.


I'm hoping they didn't use steel screws (maybe titanium)...


"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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