Sat. 5/9/09

I met up with Jeff and Steve today and we headed for Oronoco. From there we kept going north until we reached Mazeppa. With the WNW winds, we headed east to Zumbro Falls. But before we got there, Jeff flatted. He found the problem, a small shard of glass, after he cut his finger about 6 times. Then, it took quite awhile before we got all of the glass out of his tire. We booted the tire (just in case) and put in the spare tube, pumped it up, and continued on into Zumbro Falls. After a quick stop at the convience store, it was up the hill on hwy 63.

We turned west at Chefies and headed into the wind for a bit. After the nice decent into the valley, we turned south heading back towards Oronoco.

Lots of nice hills and it seemed like the wind was always there to make sure we worked hard. At least I had Jeff and Steve to block the wind for me on those windy sections...

Just over 51 miles on a chilly, windy day. About the time we rolled into Jeff's the sun showed up.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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