
Missed out on a great riding opportunity with Silver and few others out of Cannon Falls, but Ben was in town and I desperately needed to see him.  What a great little guy, we had fun all day long.

We went to John Hardy's for Justin's birthday and when Ben, Mommy, and Daddy got up to leave, Ben looked at me and started to cry.  I guess he didn't want to go yet.  So, I got up and rode home with him in their car.  He was much happier.

By the time they headed for Mankato, Ben was pretty tired so I think he was ready for a nice nap in the car.  Bill said they ran into a lot of rain by Owatonna, but it didn't last too long.

Anyway, I've gotten in a couple of 25 mile rides and a few indoor rides.

Yardwork prevented me from getting out with the group on Monday.  I really would like to make the Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday rides this year.  So far only a couple of Mondays have worked out.  But there is a lot of summer riding left.

I feel good and the Arizona miles really helped me get in shape and the two week cruise helped my tan. 

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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