Sat. 01/10/09

Well, last night was a doozie. I really thought I should have stayed another night in the hospital.

About 6:00pm last night the pain started to increase, so I decided to eat supper and go straight to bed. I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. By 11:00pm, I was about ready to pull any remaining hair I have out by the roots.

When they put the plastic cast on yesterday in the hospital, they wrapped a small ace bandage over a dressing covering the stitches. Kathy took the plastic boot cast off, she then noticed my leg was really swollen above the ace bandage. So she re-wrapped the ace bandage, but this time a bit more loosely. It was like night and day. Instantly, my leg stopped throbbing and I felt much better.

From there on, I slept very well and got up only a couple of times for meds and bathroom breaks.

Special thanks to my private Florence Nightengale. And yes, I'm ordering her the naughty nurse outfit from Fredricks of Hollywood.


jp said...

You baaaad boy. Careful now, I crashed once and my wife played nurse and guess what? That's how kids are made!! Are you ready for a third this late in life?? How 'bout I come over and we just play X-box instead? JP

Don said...

Ahhh. I thought that the stork brought the kids...

"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
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Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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