Sat. 6/20/09

The VeloRochester group met at Dunn Brothers an hour earlier this morning, so at 7:00am we headed out for Kenyon.

We had 11 riders, Dr. Tim, Terry, Tim B., Big Al, Bruce, Jim T.,

Big Jim,
Big Jeff,
Big Steve,


Big Davemade an appearance.

We rolled out of town to Salem Corners and shortly after town, Big Dave got a flat. But like a good teammate, Bruce gave Dave his rear wheel and the group continued on, while Bruce waited for the team car.

We made our way to Byron and then turned left toward Kasson, and then north on the golf course road for Mantorville. After a quick water stop, he continued north and then west to Wasioja and West Concord. From here we turned north and made our final stretch to Kenyon, but not before Terry suffered a flat. We all stopped and watched as Terry changed the flat, except Tim B. was busy distracting Terry with cat noises.

Anyway after the fix, we continued to Kenyon, where we stopped for water, gatorade, and candy bars. Then we headed out of town on cty 12 going east. After some nice rollers and great double-paceline action we turned south on cty 10 (I think) and then back east on cty 11 into Pine Island.

By this time I was starting to feel a bit rung out, so after a quick water stop I headed for home via the Douglas Trail, while the rest of the group made their way to Byron.

I finished the day with over 95 miles and an average of almost 19 mph. Pretty good considering I slacked off on the trail ride home.

I hope Bruce isn't still out there waiting...

Thur. 6/18/09

Just because I haven't been keeping this page up-to-date, doesn't mean I haven't been riding (a little)...

This week, I have gotten in my 20 mile route on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Why only 20 miles? Well, because Monday I was tired (and lazy), Wednesday I was busy, and Thursday it looked like nasty weather was not too far off in the distance.

All the rides were pretty uneventful. I spotted Gary G. out in TT form and a number of other riders out getting some miles in.

Hopefully, I can get some longer miles in this weekend...

Sat. 6/13/09

Big Jeff, Steve, and I decided to give the 8:00am Dunn Brothers ride a go this morning. Getting up early to ride in the cool morning air was a new experience (this year) for me, I overdressed. But at least I was warm.

We took off with 12 riders (Big Jeff, Steve, Terry, Jim T., Bruce, Big Al, Dan G., Allan, Eric, Dr. Tim, Jeff G., and myself). We decided to head NW to Zumbrota by way of Byron, Mantorville, and Roscoe.

It was a perfect morning and the group was humming along like a well-oiled machine. Everyone taking their turns and no one was stringing the group out. As we neared Zumbrota, I decided to head out on my own and turn west for Kenyon and check up on Bill (my son).

Kenyon was a bit further than I remembered, but I eventually made it to town, then I was wondering how I was going to find him. When all of a sudden I hear someone yell, "Heh, what are you doing here?". It was Bill in one of the patrol cars. He pulled over and we chatted for awhile. I asked him to give me a ticket for doing 45 mph in a 30 zone, just so I can say I got a speeding ticket on my bike.

Then I grabbed something to eat at the convience store and headed for home. I made my way south and then west back to Roscoe and then on into Pine Island. From there I hit the Douglas Trail for Rochester. I cut across town on 7th and finally arrived at home.

Just over 100 miles for the first time since way last year. I was tired, but there is something about cracking the 100 mile mark. My leg didn't bother too much, but I could tell it was not happy by the time I reached the driveway (I don't think the wife was too happy either).

What a great day for a long ride and I got to see my son in action...

Thur. 6/11/09

With the fast-paced workout yesterday, I decided I should get out a stretch the legs a bit tonight.

I headed out on my usual 20-mile route, passed a couple of cyclists as they were heading back toward town. Then continued south and east, to see if Ed was awake.

Sure enough as I passed the farm, here comes Ed in full gallup. I decided to try and outrun him, instead of giving him a shot of pepper spray. He chased for quite a while, but he finally gave up. I can only hope I get in shape before he does.

I continued east and then north into Dover. Once in Dover I turned west and made my way up and over the three good sized climbs back to Eyota.

South for a bit and then back onto my 20-mile route and finally home.

I passed a few more cyclists as I neared town, but mostly a pretty nice ride (except for Ed)...

Wed. 6/10/09

With all the rain over the weekend, I didn't get any riding in and before I knew it it was Wednesday. So, Jeff, Steve, and I decided to make it out for the Erik's group ride.

I got a late start from home and saw the group rolling out, just as I pulled up. I threw on my shoes, gloves, and helmet, grabbed my water bottles and began the chase. I was close enough to see which way they headed out on the Douglas trail, so I pedaled along until I caught up to them just before Northern Hills Golf Course. I looked the group over to see who had made it. I saw Steve G., Kristi, Paul, Jim G., Jeff G., Eric,

Big Tom,

and way up front was Big Jeff, but no Steve S. :(

As we rolled along there was another rider coming up from behind, sure enough here comes Steve S. clipping right along. :)

We rolled into Douglas, then jumped on cty 3 (I think) north out of Douglas and passed Big Jim's ranch. We turned left and headed for PI, when a car went by with a bike on top, it got a ways ahead, stopped, and the passenger got out and climbed on the bike. It was Todd. He too had missed the start. So now the group had 13 riders as we rolled into PI.

Then north and west out of PI and headed for Roscoe. Lots of nice rollers and everyone was taking turns at the front. We turned south at Roscoe and headed back toward Mantorville. The climb on cty 11 put a nice hurt in everyones legs. We decided to head into Mantorville and then east past the golf course. Again, the hills made this stretch a real blast.

We got into a real nice rotating paceline as we turned south. What fun! Sinc a bit of a gap had openned up, we pulled over and waited at the stop sign for everyone to catch back on. Then we continued east into Byron.

At Byron, we stayed on the frontage road and most of the group turned north, while several riders turned south and headed for home. The northbound group zig-zagged our way to cty 4 and then headed east back to Rochester. As we neared town Paul and eric split for home, while Jim G., Todd, Big Tom, and the rest turned the screws up as we attacked one climb after another until we reached west circle drive. Big Jeff headed for home and Steve S. turned south for his house, and the rest of us limped back to Erik's.

Not a bad showing for the old, injured, and undertrained. I know I'll be hurting for a couple of days...

A very fast-paced (for me) 54 mile weekday ride.

Thur. 6/4/09

I did a 35 mile route tonight that I haven't done in awhile.

I started with my ole standby, past the gun club and out cty 23 to the hwy 42 intersection. Then I turned south on hwy 42 and stayed south all the way to hwy 52. Then I turned west on hwy 52 for about 2 miles until I coule turn south on cty 7.

Up the big hill on cty 7, then down the backside to hwy 30. I turned west again on hwy 30 and up the long steady grade toward Stewartville. I then turned on the Pleasant Grove turnoff and as I came into town one young fella wanted to give me good dowsing with the garden hose while his buddies cheered him on. I gave him the "don't do it" look and he decided I could go by without a good drink.

From there I headed north down into Fugel's Mill and up the other side into Simpson. Then east and north, up and over the cty 11 hill and finally home.

I was tired but all-in-all a nice ride...

Wed. 6/3/09

First I spent some time on cleaning/re-adjusting my chain/bottom bracket/crankset, then I got out for a quick ride (the usual 20-miler).

Gary G. went by as he was heading for town, while I was still on my outbound leg. He was in full TT-mode and moving right along. I was sluggishly trying to get my legs to continue going around.

The NNE winds gave me a bit of a workout, until I turned around and then got a slight (very slight) push back home.

I finished off with one climb up the cty 11 hill, just to make my legs hurt a little bit more.

But the bike worked flawlessly...

Tues. 6/2/09

I got out for a quick 20 miler tonight.

As I got to the top of the climb on cty 23, I noticed another rider up the road.

I was closing the gap and at first I thought it was maybe Jeff, but as I got closer I noticed it was a gal. So I knew it wasn't Jeff, she was going much too fast.

Anyway, said hello as I went by. And continued to my turn-around point. There was more wind on the way back home, so my heart rate shot up a bit.

But I felt pretty good tonight.

Sun. 5/31/09

I met with up with the trio this morning.

We met at the gas station (or once used tobe a gas station) on the south edge of Country Club Manor.

I had noticed a bit of a creak coming from my bike somewhere on the ride in. When I got to the station, I noticed the crank bolt had worked its way lose. When Jim showed up I asked if he had any wrenches. Nope. Jeff and Steve were no help either. We decided to head back to Steve's to get a wrench. Jeff gave the bolt a good tightening and finally we were off.

With the strong south winds we headed south on cty 8. Big Jim took the lead with Jeff and Steve pulling their weight, while I sucked wind in the back. We turned west and headed into High Forest. Then we turned east and headed into Stewartville. We continued east out of town and as we got near cty 1, I turned north and headed for home. While the guys continued east to hit cty 19 for a few more miles.

I finished up with a bit over 45 miles. All in all a good ride.
"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

What's it like outside?

Where You At???

Where You At???

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Rochester, MN, United States


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