Sat. 6/20/09

The VeloRochester group met at Dunn Brothers an hour earlier this morning, so at 7:00am we headed out for Kenyon.

We had 11 riders, Dr. Tim, Terry, Tim B., Big Al, Bruce, Jim T.,

Big Jim,
Big Jeff,
Big Steve,


Big Davemade an appearance.

We rolled out of town to Salem Corners and shortly after town, Big Dave got a flat. But like a good teammate, Bruce gave Dave his rear wheel and the group continued on, while Bruce waited for the team car.

We made our way to Byron and then turned left toward Kasson, and then north on the golf course road for Mantorville. After a quick water stop, he continued north and then west to Wasioja and West Concord. From here we turned north and made our final stretch to Kenyon, but not before Terry suffered a flat. We all stopped and watched as Terry changed the flat, except Tim B. was busy distracting Terry with cat noises.

Anyway after the fix, we continued to Kenyon, where we stopped for water, gatorade, and candy bars. Then we headed out of town on cty 12 going east. After some nice rollers and great double-paceline action we turned south on cty 10 (I think) and then back east on cty 11 into Pine Island.

By this time I was starting to feel a bit rung out, so after a quick water stop I headed for home via the Douglas Trail, while the rest of the group made their way to Byron.

I finished the day with over 95 miles and an average of almost 19 mph. Pretty good considering I slacked off on the trail ride home.

I hope Bruce isn't still out there waiting...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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