Sat. 6/13/09

Big Jeff, Steve, and I decided to give the 8:00am Dunn Brothers ride a go this morning. Getting up early to ride in the cool morning air was a new experience (this year) for me, I overdressed. But at least I was warm.

We took off with 12 riders (Big Jeff, Steve, Terry, Jim T., Bruce, Big Al, Dan G., Allan, Eric, Dr. Tim, Jeff G., and myself). We decided to head NW to Zumbrota by way of Byron, Mantorville, and Roscoe.

It was a perfect morning and the group was humming along like a well-oiled machine. Everyone taking their turns and no one was stringing the group out. As we neared Zumbrota, I decided to head out on my own and turn west for Kenyon and check up on Bill (my son).

Kenyon was a bit further than I remembered, but I eventually made it to town, then I was wondering how I was going to find him. When all of a sudden I hear someone yell, "Heh, what are you doing here?". It was Bill in one of the patrol cars. He pulled over and we chatted for awhile. I asked him to give me a ticket for doing 45 mph in a 30 zone, just so I can say I got a speeding ticket on my bike.

Then I grabbed something to eat at the convience store and headed for home. I made my way south and then west back to Roscoe and then on into Pine Island. From there I hit the Douglas Trail for Rochester. I cut across town on 7th and finally arrived at home.

Just over 100 miles for the first time since way last year. I was tired, but there is something about cracking the 100 mile mark. My leg didn't bother too much, but I could tell it was not happy by the time I reached the driveway (I don't think the wife was too happy either).

What a great day for a long ride and I got to see my son in action...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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