Tue. 4/22/08

We had 3 for the Tuesday ride from RC&F, John, Maderrick (sp), and myself. We headed out following Charlie's pre-ride route. They had a section of West Circle Dr closed at Country Club Manner, so we went on the residential route, then we decided to turn west instead of continuing south. We kept a nice steady tempo all the way to Cty 3, where we turned south and got a nice tailwind. Into Salem Corners, then Rock Dell and onto Hwy 30, then turning east we headed for Cty 8. We hit a fairly steady headwind as we turned north on Cty 8, but once we got to the downhill section the speed picked up (as usual) and the high tempo continued all the way to Salem Road. I turned and headed for home, while the others turned north for the shop. No incidents on the ride.

Here is the route:

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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