Wed. 4/9/08

Can someone please tell me what month this is? I though it was April, but the way the Wednesday ride panned out, it must be August. We had five guys take off from RC&F (Charlie, Gunner, Eric, Dan, and myself). The ride was laid out before hand and we headed toward Elgin. The pace was stiff from the beginning, with a steady 19mph up the hill toward Century HS. We all had to sprint to get through the traffic light, as it changed on us as we approached and from there the pace stayed high (+20mph). We got to Elgin and stopped for a quick break, then headed out for home. I was feeling OK, until we got to Viola and the climb out of town really took it out of me. The rest of the ride, I just tried to hang on to the back of the group. They waited up a couple of times. Then I headed south on cty 11 and the group continued on into town.

Here is the route:

40 miles in just over 2 hours (with warm up and cool down), you do the math...

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

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