Wed. 4/16/08

I headed out from home and decided to do the 35 mile route. I headed south, then east, then north, and finally west, because of the strong (+25mph) WNW winds. The temp was above 60, so I dressed on the light side. Looks like they are planning on closing cty 1 from just south of Simpson, all the way to the Fugel Mill bridge starting next Monday (4/21/08). No real issues with the ride. I had to out sprint a couple of black labs just before I crossed over Interstate 90, as I headed north toward Eyota. They didn't chase for too long, which was good because of the wind. I felt pretty good the whole ride.

Here is the route:

I did pass several other riders on the ride, all heading the opposite direction (Yes Martin, I did see you).


jp said...

I'll bet seeing Martin was the high point of your ride! Bare shop again at 5:30.

Don said...

Oh, yeah.

"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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