Sat. 7/18/09

I met up with Jeff and Steve for a nice easy mile day.

We started from Jeff's and were going to meet up with Big Jim on the road. We got a later than normal start (because Jeff couldn't get his garage door to close) and we took a bit of an alternater route to the Douglas Trail. And you guessed it, we missed Big Jim out on the road.

We tried calling his cell phone, but he had left it at home. We doubled back to Douglas, but no Big Jim. So we headed to Pine Island without Big Jim pulling us into the wind. :(

We continued north toward Roscoe and got tangled up in an organized ride, but they all turned toward Kenyon as we continued on to Zumbrota. We rolled through Zumbrota and then turned east for Mazeppa.

After a quick stop in Mazeppa, we continued east and then south (past the spot of my most recent fall) and then headed south for Oronoco.

We then rolled into Oronoco and on south back to Jeff's.

Big Jim had rolled on past our rendevous spot to hwy 63 and then backtracked to PI, Roscoe and then home.

Sorry we missed you, Big Jim.

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"Tonight's forecast, Dark.
Continued dark throughout most of the evening,
with some widely-scattered light towards morning."

Al Sleet (the hippie-dippie weatherman)

R.I.P. George Carlin

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